Written by Adonica Nichols, LPN
Five Steps to Self Confidence

Five Steps to Self Confidence

We have all been there, feeling like you’re not good enough or not worthy enough. Developing self-confidence can be hard when you have been told negative things by others or think a certain way about yourself most of your life. The most important thing to remember if you feel this way is that you are not alone. Most people have these thoughts and feelings at certain points in their lives, but it’s how you deal with the thoughts that make a difference.

Here are my suggestions of what you can do to help build your self confidence on a daily basis:

  1. Affirmations. It may seem silly talking to yourself, but if you set realistic expectations and use positive statements, such as “I am happy, I am worthy, I matter,” your brain will start to shift to believing this is true. Saying these, or similar, phrases out loud every day can reprogram your brain, lift your mood, and start to give you a real confidence boost.
  2. Cut out negativity. I know it’s easier said than done, but watch out for things that trigger your negative thought patterns. If there are patterns that form when spending time doing certain things or hanging out with certain people, like spiraling into low confidence or anxiety, those are some things to consider removing from your life or at least cut back on.
  3. Eat well and exercise. Everything seems to come down to these two things. Studies have shown a healthy diet that’s right for your individual needs, combined with a regular exercise program, can not only make you feel great but can lower stress levels and decrease anxiety. Not to mention, these help to boost confidence as you get healthier and physically stronger.
  4. What goes around comes around. What you put into the Universe often comes back at you.  Make sure your friends and family know you appreciate them and tell them positive things that make them feel good. Boosting others confidence will often help their moods, which can help yours too! People tend to gravitate towards light and positivity, which will help the overall environment around you.
  5. Take time for yourself. Make sure no matter how busy life gets, you take time for yourself to figure out what makes you happy. Whether it’s reading a good book or walking on the beach, make sure to enjoy the little moments that give you joy.


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