Articles - Page 24 of 26

By Holly Niles
It seems that the new color in fashion and decor is emerald green — it’s considered a must-have for updating your wardrobe and adding a pop of color to your home. When I heard that, I thought: in the world of nutrition we’ve always thought of green as the “it”…
By Elizabeth Boham, MD
It’s October, and all of this pink reminds us of breast health. As a Functional Medicine physician and a breast cancer survivor, I want to do more for breast cancer prevention than just focus on early detection. We also need to look deeper and work toward prevention. Early detection includes:…
By Maggie Ward, MS, RD, LDN
Spring is my favorite time of year! These first warm, sweet smells in the air lift my spirits like nothing else, especially after a cold, dark winter in the Berkshires. As a nutritionist, I’m also reminded of the abundance and healing power of nature: for, there is no other way…
By Mark Hyman MD
MOST PEOPLE DON'T KNOW how poorly they feel until they feel better. In fact, most of us don’t recognize that fatigue, digestive problems, aches and pains, allergies, headaches, and more aren’t just annoying symptoms. They are early clues to impending diseases that can disable and kill us. Most heart disease starts in the womb. You can detect brain changes in teenagers that can predict
By Mark Hyman MD
IN THE INTRODUCTION, I explained how our current model of medicine ignores the real causes of disease. Now we’ll examine the first of 7 keys to UltraWellness. Our thinking about how we get sick is completely wrong. You can’t “catch” disease. You can’t “get” cancer or heart disease, diabetes or dementia. This may have seemed....
By Mark Hyman MD
A SIMPLE BLOOD TEST can save your life. It is called C-reactive protein and it measures the degree of hidden inflammation in your body. This is important because almost every modern disease is caused by or affected by hidden inflammation, including heart disease, cancer, obesity, and dementia as well…
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