Food is Medicine - Page 7 of 8

By Elizabeth Boham, MD
Brown rice or white?  Everyone who has been to a Chinese restaurant has been asked this question.  Next time you are faced with this decision, be sure to consider these 5 reasons to choose brown.. Processing – When white rice is made, the hull, or outer…
By Lisa Dreher, MS, RDN, LDN
I often get the question “How can I get enough calcium on a dairy-free diet?” There is a lot of misconception about calcium due to the push for 3 servings of cow’s milk every day, starting from infancy. How could we possibly get our calcium needs met and…
By Maggie Ward, MS, RD, LDN
I get this question so often from the patients and families I work with.  A gluten and dairy free diet may not be the answer for everyone. Yet over the past 15 years of being a clinical nutritionist, I have seen a variety of symptoms and health conditions…
By Eileen Boté
We’ve all been lured by the latest and greatest face cream, or serum, that promises to diminish wrinkles, plump the skin and provide a radiant, dewy glow. In the quest for perfect skin, we’re willing to try anything, at any cost, to look like the image staring back…
By Lisa Dreher, MS, RDN, LDN
You have probably heard the saying, Food is Medicine. Nowhere is this more evident than at The UltraWellness Center, where about 80 percent of our patients get better with nutrition intervention alone. But food is food, right? What could be so unique about the…
By Eileen Boté
With the promise of warm summer days upon us, I find myself daydreaming about and planning my herb garden. Just picked herbs add an entirely new dimension to my summertime culinary creations, but it’s their long-standing medicinal uses that pique my interest when planning the garden.
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