UltraNourished - Page 9 of 19

By Maggie Ward, MS, RD, LDN
Thanksgiving is almost here, can you believe it? With it comes the coziness of fall, delicious seasonal foods, and the opportunity to enjoy more time with friends and family. It’s also the perfect time to focus on gratitude, to realize how many good things and people we have in…
By Elizabeth Boham, MD
The holidays are fast approaching, and with it comes flu season. No one wants to ruin their holiday by catching a cold or the flu! One of the best ways to keep these infections away is to use food to strengthen your immune system. These five foods can be…
By Lisa Dreher, MS, RDN, LDN
Juice is a staple in many diets, and juicing only continues to gain in popularity. Common health claims for drinking juice include cleansing/detoxifying, weight loss, boosting energy, and building a stronger immune system, among many others. While these claims may sound great, it is important to be informed…
By Eileen Boté
Eating right during pregnancy can be overwhelming and confusing, not to mention stressful, as new moms-to-be strive to have a healthy pregnancy and baby. And while the media and well meaning friends, and perhaps future dads, encourage soon-to-be-moms to eat for two, the ensuing 9 months is not…
By Mark Hyman MD
Halloween is almost here! That means lots of refined sugar, artificial flavors, and all sorts of other not-so-good-for-you ingredients will be everywhere you turn. But don’t despair! Enjoying an occasional treat can be part of a healthy eating plan, especially when…
By Maggie Ward, MS, RD, LDN
I have been a long-time participant and passionate follower of the environmental movement. When I was considering my major in college, I was torn between nutrition and environmental science. I ultimately chose to study nutrition because I knew what we choose to eat has such an impact (positive…
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